Tuesday, 15 December 2015

The Attribute : LEED

After the pioneership, there is indeed a move towards the attributes for the clientele to be convinced by the facts and objectives of LEED.
The Anomaly
Peculiarly LEED is providing a concise framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions.
Characteristics do not end as there is another aspect, where LEED is a voluntary rating system, whereas USGBC does not enforce any building or development to go for LEED certification.
It is a consensus based system, where it is acceptable to all stake holders in construction market. LEED rating systems are driven by the input from a large section of members, from every sector of market like contractors, manufacturers etc.
It is a third party certification, the project is assissted and certified by agencies which are not related to the project.
It is very important to discuss and tell the less-informative portions of civilization to know about the metamorphose for all environmental issues.
The Liability
Taking over the liabilities or answerability towards all the issues related to environment, is again a stigma for the metamorphose to be accomplished in the same way.
LEED is developed, based on the Triple bottom line, normally referred to as People, Profit and Planet.
There are different yet specific propounds by the LEED certified buildings.
Starting from, Social Responsibility, which is the better living conditions for people; Environment Stewardship, which is, less impact on environment i.e. Planet; and last, Economic Prosperity, which is the reduction of the life cycle cost of building, that makes the essential to remark, Profit.
There are these three pillars, which form a base for the development of LEED.
The Genus
LEED however, could influence the sphere with its popularity and name, but there are further, the rating systems, or specifications which make the depth of LEED more aspiring.
LEED for Building Design and Construction
Starting with this category of certifications and credentials.
It is applicable for new constructions and the major renovations of buildings. Further, there is a differentiation between major and minor renovation of buildings. Some changes like, the Building envelope changes, which is the shell of the building which separates the interior and exterior, or it also separates the conditioned and non-conditioned areas of the building.
Another change, the HVAC system change and Major interior change, both of which significantly impact towards the energy assumptions of the buildings.
LEED for Interior Design and Construction
The second category, this application is for projects whose scope is limited to the interior fit out only. Such projects don't have any scope on the structure or the shell of the building.
LEED for Operation and Maintenance
Third categorial is applicable to existing buildings undergoing improvements. Including some minor upgrades as well, along with projects which would like to demonstrate their sustainable practices.
LEED for Neighbourhood Development
Categorial is applicable for land development projects, mixed use development projects for example Beijing olympic village.
LEED for Homes
This category, specifies the application for all residential projects except for the high rise buildings, acceptance is till the 8 habitable stories.

Green Buildings : The Pioneering

Green Buildings are now reflecting a metamorphose for the blemishes of environmental change. These kind of buildings are however offering impeccability in Energy efficiencyWater efficiencyBetter indoor facility which further includes thermal comfort, lighting comfort, air quality and acoustics; Use of environmental friendly and sustainable materialsLesser waste producedReduction of transportation requirement; as well as, Protection of habitat.
Therefore, there is reduced version of environmental impact throughout the life cycle.

The Fascination
Well, in the light of enlargement, there should be reasons for why there is a lot of talk or fascination about green buildings.Benefaction is equal in segments of climatic changedepletion of resources, ozone depletionland pollutionwater pollution, and air pollution. These buildings use much less resources as compared to conventional buildings, and hence they can be a part of solution to these environmental issues.

The Correspondents
Contributors of green house gases by various sectors include, Residential buildings by 43%Commercial buildings by 17%, and Industrial buildings by 5%, then, Transportation by 32% and Industrial sector by 25%.However, a frequent philosophy would mark out at Industrial and Transportation sector to be the major ones, however, Buildings are the major contributors.

GCC concerns
Concerns are never less, and so, there is a major assortment of GCC countries. The Gulf cooperation council countries, offering to be the regional intergovernmental political and economic union comprising of all Arab states of Persian Gulf, except for Iraq, whereas current member states are Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE.The issue lies in the fact that GCC countries have higher per capita CO2 emission, when compared to developed or developing ones.The pretext for the above can be majorly the climatic conditions, lack of public transportation and the higher percentage of per capita income.GCC countries have extremely hot and humid climatic conditions which anyhow would require cooling and dehumidification. Space cooling is energy intensive as compared to space heating.

The Virtue
For any surmise, there are multiple inducements, illustrations as per the USGBC, green buildings can reduce energy use from 24%-50%, CO2 emission from 32%-39%water use upto 40% and solid waste upto 70%.

The Certification
The certification, prompting towards the next step. Green buildings are certified by various Green buildings rating systems across the world.For instance, there are different names for green buildings systems in different countries like Green star for Australia, Aqua/LEED Brasil for BrazilLEED/Green globes for Canada, GB evaluation standard for China, PromisE for FinlandHKBEAM for Hong Kong, GRIHA/LEED India for IndiaPearl rating system for UAELEED for USBREEAM for UKEEWH for Taiwan, and GSAS for Qatar.All of these rating systems are applicable to their respective countries only, however only LEED and BREEAM are the international ones.The assessment tool for all of these is however same, judging in terms of energy efficiencywater efficiencymaterials used and location of site etc.

LEED : The Introduction
Leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED), which is primarily merchandise of US, deals with 8 climatic zones within US, ranging from hot and humid conditions to cold and dry conditions and so it's adaptation is valid for any kind of climatic zone.
Moreover, LEED is internationally accepted or recognized as green building rating system, and according to USGBC, it is applied in 135 countries across the world. It has an already built up acceptance in IndiaBrazil and Canada. Also, not to neglect LEED is very well accepted and recognized in GCC construction market, along with GCC market being most happening place in construction market. 

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Building Architecture with Travel

Travel and Architecture have always been two parts associated with each other. From days in graduation to working days in office, travel as an invigorating act which has always reflected the importance of changes. "Change" is something which is indeed, because it points out at the need to demoralize malaise in one’s life. Case-studies, involving inspirational researches on various styles of architecture of different states in India, helped to bring out the exact language-change spot for today's architecture.
Travel programs, though a simple yet very explorative attempt to accomplish the same. It is not always about architecture in concrete, architecture lies in visualized, explored, experienced and attempted actions. The movements, cultural programs, ethnicity on roads, locals producing different style of designated people of the city.
The influential productive range of traditions lie onto the various adaptations of the particular place. The language, slangs, dress-ups, foods, are all follow-ups of the historical specifications and traditions of the place. A stimulated type of image comes to our mind when we think of any place, therefore it is not easy to reside in the same place for a longer time. However, studies and researches about the structured, visualized and graphitized architecture would be rather essential.
Again, when we talk about volunteering in various travel programs and in terms of studying the constructive architecture. The process in which any particular building design works is almost same, where we the architects initialize our works from scratching, schematic design ending up to the constructive panels.
Now, the reason why there is difference in every kind of architecture to deliver its process amongst the outsiders, is again the adaptation skills. Every place has its own communitive language which somehow pretends to be the bottom line if one is wondering to reside in that foreign place. So, volunteering in field of architecture and construction, varies when we change our place of practice. It is however not essential to be a part of local language and cultures, moreover it is always advisable to take a study tour or volunteering tours to different place and have the experience as a traveler.
Travel however, does not improve your design work directly, but the rousing change in moods definitely gives a new lead to initiate the process.
Focused work sessions- We humans have this tendency to hyper focus in a crucial time. Though it is always good to have more of intense crunch-style work sessions. This would anyhow help to avoid the monotony amongst the style of working plus it would help to spare time for other things and enjoyment.
Fresh Inspiration- New things almost every time give us a new inspiration. Remember when every talk show, add-film or news channel turn to reflect the growing side of a particular topic, because of the reason that there is a need of discourse-convertor in market. Fresh aspirations are always good for design work, and you would never know when did a change brought something out of the box.
Easy motivation and excitement- Due to changes that we see tend to grow creativity skills more. By having diverse sights and activities during our travel gives us the caliber of being motivated and excited for a longer time. Too much of same doze simultaneously tends to bring down the creativity in oneself.
New clients- Out of all I think this would be something which would affect design work directly. Meetings with new clients in coffee shop or somewhere else, help you to grow knowledge in terms of different guidelines. This is another way where you accomplish yourself to the outside world and perform as demanded.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

The Biennial : Chicago Architecture

Biennial may sound like something alienistic but, it is rather a parachuting and another expression of the exposure to contemporary culture of Chicago. It is an international exhibition, which cites to be first Chicago Architecture Biennial. And so, comes the covered and yet to be outspoken statements about possibilities of a productive relationship between architecture and the city.
Competition comes with the line when there is challenge to developers or politicians, i.e. whether the brutal landscape of contemporary American city might offer opportunities to implement as a force for better cities. Moving on, the blend in which Architect’s are involved. The cultural and disciplinary content with public facing awareness yields the forgery to continue the same with chicago’s famous pragmatism, but can Architect’s marry their undoubted and vivid imagination …
Biennial is noted as a generational shift. Different generation, instigation, curating, arguing and proposing interests and urgencies. The unfurled establishment of a platform though the biennial has initiated relationships and dialogues to be spotted on.
Chicago Architecture Biennial, is an avalanche of pointless events by doing things on its own. Its the age of inalfication , every city with every form of creative practice at vast expense and greater effort mounts gigantic productions. These events marshall entire disciplines, commands acres of physical space and even more media space. Somewhere between trade fair and culture, tourism, city branding and professional interest, public outreach and academic study, such events wield a vast array of interests under a single umbrella. Grand spaces of Chicago's cultural centre malaise the view and makes you wander. As per the very nature, they are uncuratable compared to traditional gallery shows. Chicago's Biennial, a thing that should be understood more as platform than proposition. Some architects find the idea of discipline as a discursive diaspora an anathema to their more traditional declamatory and adversarial modes.
According to the European sensibility, seems to be nowhere. A huge lake on one side and miles of flat farmland on other This city has extensive quintessentially urban experience. There are two problems in architecture, First one is to find what architecture is and the other one is to find out how to make architecture. Chicago has history but it is also blessed with vibrant architecture culture. Chicago is also considered to be a living laboratory of future infrastructure. In chicago, prospects of young architects are tough.
Henceforth, the Biennial has resulted in a good platform for the immediate and responsive architecture of the city to be fruitful when it comes to figure out the true meaning of contemporary architecture with the city's tradition and ethnicity.

Travel as a Designer

Travelling on a whole serves a platter of divergent qualifications, persona images (4)and observational savoir fare. And though we don't realise it, but we surely need it.
Firstly, if we have to talk about individuals, then, any individual somehow sometime gets bored or exhausted from their daily-working life and this is how travelling comes in introduction. In terms of a suitable vacation, travelling introduces fun and love for life which is lost or yet to be discovered.
Coming back to Designing...
As a designer, we tend to design/produce a product which excites the implementing power within us. It is however very essential for us, the designers to bring out a product which has tended to specialise in every field.
Designers, have this in their blood, to implement their fresh designs amongst the requirements of virtuality. Question comes for the time, when even the fresh taste needs a change, because the creators and the beneficiary both get sick and used-to, to the same taste of design.
Travelling however turns up the diverted, soul-less, less-explored, side of oneself (designer) to the world. The experience of practicality of any particular type of designing, pre-occupies the vacuum of not-producing good products.
The new designated freshness, first of all, it all relies on the mood of oneself. Not to forget the meeting with new clients, it is however not pragmatic enough to say that those clients have to be on a longer-term basis, but however they prove to be good in an inconsistent type of interactive session.
There is always this bored and monotonous side of designers when they are in same place producing the same type of design, however that cannot be changed, but can always be explored, enhanced and developed with new inspirations through travelling.